
I’m so glad you are here. What are you interested in?


Your GRE Math Mentor

Need to take the GREs, but fear you have forgotten the math you learned in school? You can master GRE math. I’ll help you!


Part-Time Grad School, Full-Time Life

Interested in earned a graduate degree, but like most of us, can’t quit your paycheck? Hopefully this website will encourage you to pursue the degree you want, part-time. I am rooting for you!


Math Videos for Parents

Trying to help your kid with math, but don’t understand the way they are learning it? Soon you will be a whiz at the “new way”, and modeling math confidence to your children!

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Frozen Shoulder: Survive and Thrive!

Working through a frozen shoulder? I learned valuable lessons that helped me - with my frozen shoulder and with life.